December 25, 2010


Don't I look a little like my little Beckster!?

This long break from my blog has been kinda nice, but I sure missed it. I have just been having too much fun with the good ol' fam. How was everyone's Christmas!? I got a serger, some toms, gingher sewing scissors and plenty of candy. So, it was awesome! I recieved what I needed and got shoes!!! Besides the gifts, I'm just happy I am spending time with family. I love love love my family and I don't get to see them nearly enough. I remember the Dickson Christmas parties growing up when my grandma and grandpa were the only grandparents, my cousins were little, and my aunts and uncles were young parents. It was always so much fun getting together! We would dress up and reinact the the events after Jesus was born. I miss those times. A few days ago we had another Dickson Christmas party, the contrast between that party and the parties that took place 20 years ago is incredible. Those little cousins and siblings grew up, got married (to awesome people!! Like Em Dickson married my brother Mike and Rachael married my cousin Paul) and are now parents, and those aunts and uncles are now grandparents. Time seriously flys.
My Brother Mike, Cousin Paul

Brother Mike
Cousins, and my Brother Mike in the blue
Uncle, DAD, Uncle

1 comment:

  1. You do look so much like Beck!! I wish Holden looked like me more... :(

    I haven't commented before, but I LOVE your blog dear!
