January 13, 2011

Day 13: LOVE this Skirt...now!

I bought this skirt in High School and wore it here and there, but never loved it. So, I wore it on my natural waist and took in the sides. Vavavavooooooom! Instant curves baby! I love it now!! Sorry it isn't so creative, I just hope one of these little refashions will spark a little refashion for one of you!
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  1. These are all such great ideas Liz! I've been checking every day to see what you've been up to. I'm seriously impressed with your creativity!

  2. I revamped a sweater of mine from your post yesterday. never really wore it, but I will now. thanks! and I love seeing what you come up with.

  3. wow, that is crazy what a difference it makes! And so simple too, it makes me reevaluate a couple almost-there skirts I have laying around.
