January 16, 2011

Day 16: Sewing Machine Broke...too be continued...

Here is a plain pj shirt turned into a cute flowy tee shirt! Luckily I took these pictures before my machine decided to hate me and not work. This shirt actually has a lowered neckline and more details..... I wish I could show you! Errr! So, I'm bummed that you guys couldn't see the end result, I will try to finish it tomorrow morning and post it. 
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  1. So stinkin cute!

  2. Oh Liz! I looove looove looove this one!

  3. How did you modify the sleeves??

  4. How did you do the neckline?

  5. this doesn't shoe the DIY process at all. we need the middle part, not just the before and after. Please remake this and show how you cute the sleeves, neckline, waist, and the way you sewed it.

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  6. I love this concept, except I'm having a hard time working out the details in my mind. :-/ I'm new to sewing clothing, so that's probably why. Are there more directions in a different post?

  7. I love this style of shirts, I'd also love if you could post on how to make it! I'd love to try it myself. Thanks

  8. I like this, but I think it would look better with a ribbon sewn under the bust to emphasize the empire waist and make it look less T-shirty.

  9. I super like this!!! Pleazzzzzzze, post the instructions on how to cut the shirt into the flowing one you are showing.
    I'll be waiting!

  10. I super like this!!! Pleazzzzzzze, post the instructions on how to cut the shirt into the flowing one you are showing.
    I'll be waiting!

  11. I also love your design! if you could post the directions it would be most appreciated. Thanks :)

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  13. Love this, and would love to try to do it. I have so many regular T shirts that I do not wear, cuz frankly, they're just ugly and boxy and do not flatter me at all! But what you did is fantastic! Where can I find the directions for this?

    Thanks, Dianne

  14. Was there ever a tutorial posted about this?? This is exactly what I want!!

  15. http://cottonandcurls.blogspot.com/2012/07/mens-tee-to-flattering-tee-tutorial.html

  16. This is very cute! I have hundreds of t-shirts I'd love to do this with, I wish there were instructions :/

  17. I used to be a runner and have tons of t-shirts, I've been wanting to invent a way to make a t-shirt pretty for years!! Thank You!!!!!

  18. I used to be a runner and have tons of t-shirts, I've been wanting to invent a way to make a t-shirt pretty for years!! Thank You!!!!!
