February 22, 2011

Can't leave our men out!

Remember John Jack? We celebrated his birthday on the 12th? He was wearing a humungous cowboy hat, yep that was him! Well, for his birthday present, besides surprising him in Idaho and gracing him with our presence (hmmmm right?), was to make some of his baggy pants a tad more fitted. So ladies, if you want your men to have tighter pants for whatever reason - (he has a super cute tush? hate the bagginess?) - this is how you do it! And ironically, this is also how you do the white bell bottom pants from yesterday's post! But, for the men's pants, tapper to where you want the tightness (with John's I tappered off to 5 inched above the knee.
Someone asked me how to bring in the waist - take it in at the waistband ( I just wore a belt yesterday) and tapper down into the pocket. If you want it dramatically made smaller, including the hip area...that is WAY more tricky. I'll have to save it for another whole tutorial. For details on how to take in pants like John's and mine, go here where I explain how to do skinnies (but use the picture below instead for guidelines)!

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  1. Ever since I found your pants tutorial I have been going nuts on my closet...thanks so much!

    These look great!!

    Camp Patton

  2. Can I just say, your brother is really cute?

    Anyways, I adore your blog! I'm always trying to refashion my clothes, but it tends to go awry! Now I have some guidance! :D


  3. He should visit wisconsin! lol he is way cute!
