July 22, 2011

Granny Chic Week Day 5: Daring white pants

The reasons why these pants made it into granny chic week is 1. just look at them and 2. they were given to me by a very old lady at a yard sale who said she took them in herself way way way back in the day...then she gave them to me for free! You've got to love free stuff and the people who give them to you. Anyway, I was really inspired by a photo (see below) and had to make them myself. So, this white cotton comfy number was perfect.

The original owner (old lady at yard sale) made those front to seams herself, I just took in the back two seams more by darting (tutorial here) and then took in the legs (tutorial here). Danny wasn't a fan of these bad boys either. Eh, I don't care.

How to make a pleated pair of these....check out here!

top: splendid   pants: thrifted, refashioned   necklace: thrifted  shoes: f21


  1. I love this look! I have a pair of pants like these and am always wondering which top to wear them with. now I know! perfect with stripes, great post!

  2. I love the look, I have some pants I could do this but I have not the figure to use them:-)

  3. I have no idea how you make all these granny looks so chic! I'm also thinking you look a lot like Kate Beckingsale...and that might have something to so with it! :D

    Lidi @ Eclectic Flair

  4. I've learned not to dress for boys because they really don't care. I'm pretty sure my husband would love me even if I wore a paper bag...hmmm...I better ask him to double check ;)

  5. i love them! now if only i could go without getting a stain on them, now that would be a feat! :)

    ps i shot you an email.:)

  6. k so i just stalked your older posts. haha. love your blog. :) what drew me in is your boys name. Beck. I have a 4 yr old named Beck too.
    Love all your re-fashions.. makin me wanna get my 3 bags of re-fashion clothes out haha.
    added your blog to my reader. :) cant wait to see more.

  7. love the high waist on you. Danny is crazy... they are cute. and comfy to boot!

  8. Just found your blog through ISLY and I am hooked!

  9. Wow, what a great find/redo with those pants!! I am so glad I found your blog this morning!! its a keeper!

  10. Those look great on you!!! I really wanna try to re-fashion a pair since i always see them in thrift stores for dirt cheap! Can't hurt to try, right?

    p.s.- just found you blog through Kendi's, and I'm here to STAY!;) great stuff!

  11. This is awesome! thanks for sharing :)

  12. I love that stripped shirt! Great blog : )
