August 23, 2011

Parties and Families and Packing...oh my...

Soooooo many dang things going on these days and so little time. Family birthday parties yesterday and today, family visiting today and moving in today and through out this week, family visiting this weekend, more birthdays....and on top of that packing up to move by monday. And I'm wondering why I'm breaking out so bad. Anyway, this was actually something I fixed a while ago, but decided to do a little more work on it. So, the neckline was very low and wide which always exposed the brazier, so, I made took in the neckline near the armpit and near the shoulder. That solved the problem!

When we were in target today getting come college things for my brothers, Max (brother with curly hair, bottom pic) was holding beck, who also has curly hair and they looked totally related. It was quite cute.


  1. Great idea, I've some t-shirts I don't wear for that reason. I should try something like this.

  2. How do you curl your hair like that? It is gorgeous!

  3. you look gorgeous in this picture.

  4. i love your outfit!!

    Beck keeps getting cuter by the minute!


  5. is that momma Roxanne? what a beauty! i love the darts idea, but honestly, i love every freaking idea you have cause you are a tiny little evil sewing genius...


  6. I am dying over your hair. Just when I chop mine off I see someone with amazing long hair and wish I was still growing mine out!

  7. Those are great jeans! What brand/style are they?

  8. love that shirt, and the little dart tutorial. just found your blog and am loving it :)

  9. What brand/model of dress form do you use? I've been looking for one that I like, and this looks pretty awesome.

  10. Your brother is adorable, and he and beck look so much alike. Love the dart idea, will have to try that on some scoop necks I have.

  11. How do you curl your hair? It looks great!

  12. Wow, Max's hair is ridiculously long. Hope your surviving China! We just moved to Oklahoma and I thought that was a culture shock, but China... that is crazy.

  13. I seriously love all the sewing ideas that you come up with!! I wish I had an ounce of that creativity and talent! If you don't mind me asking, what brand are your jeans?

    Thanks! And hope you're all doing well in China!
