January 11, 2012

Pages Heart Garland and My First Attempt at Crafts

I rarely do crafts, and sadly, I have a hard time not wanting to copy others because there are a million amazing crafty people out there. That is why this garland looks to similar to this one from Maisy and Alice, which is dang cute paper garland store, you've got to check it out, as well as a million others. This was my version. And shockingly it was soooooo easy and quick to make and a perfect touch of valentine's day decor. All I need to do is a few more crafts to stick on top of the mantle piece and then it will be complete.
Why can't I be this crafty naturally!? 
book you will tear pages from
scissors or die cut machine
contrasting thread
extra paper


1. Buy book that's pages are thicker/sturdier, tear out a six or so pages.
2. Draw a heart on it, trace the ones after the first set. 
3. Fold in half, try not to crease, and cut out the hearts.
4. Trace the newly cut out hearts to the other pages that are torn out. Cut as many as you want for length. I cut 32 with 2.5" in between made a 7.5' long. So the length of the garland will be how ever long the heart is from point to point + how long of the space in between is going to be divided by how long you want it to be = will be how many you need to make x 2 because the hearts are doubled up.
5. This is optional, but I distressed my hearts, I rubbed ink to the edges  with a small olive green ink pad.
6. Cut out strips from paper that are as long as you want the spaces in between (mine was 2.5").
7. Sew two hearts on top of each other and sew through the center of the hearts, then near the end of the hearts, slip a the small piece of paper that was previously cutout, at the end of the hearts. Sew through the piece of paper and at the end slide two stacked following the piece of paper. Continue with rest of the hearts.
8. Tear away the small pieces of paper carefully, done!


  1. this is so lovely! I am definitely going to have to try this.

  2. I love it! It looks kind of hard but maybe I'll try!!

  3. This is so pretty!

  4. So very cute. I wouldn't worry. Most creative folks know that imitation is the best form of flattery. Great job!

  5. Think of crafting like sewing. The more you do it the more inspiration you'll start to see in everyday things. Until then you'll end up slightly modifying things.

    BTW, this looks amazing so You obviously have crafting talent!

  6. I can't wait to make one of these for my home! So cute and simple!

  7. Adorable! I cant wait to try it!


  8. OMG your attempt at crafts was Awesome! Beautiful! Love it and thanks for sharing!


  9. How cute is this! I'm thinking about doing a (probably over the top) valentine's set up in my living room. I NEVER celebrate valentine's day. Ever. Why am I so obsessed with it this year?

    But, you know. Anyway. Just a small vday fort and heart garland everywhere. That's all : )

    I love your garland. I've never seen any quite like this. Good job lady!

  10. ummmm, i kind of really LOVE this :) Great job and thanks for the tutorial!

  11. This is so pretty! It's kind of sad to tear up a book but...it's too dang cute to be unjustifiable!

  12. how cute is this!
    you are very creative love!

    good job

    Melina ♥

  13. WOW! What a great (and cheap!) decorating idea. Def want to try this :)

  14. What a pretty project, I love the way these look on the fireplace.

  15. New follower here...the garland turned out amazing! If you have a minute stop by my new beauty/fashion blog!

    Jenny from www.ModernModestBeauty.blogspot.com

  16. Lovely idea!! I think it's about time I get a sewing machine! I never thought of sewing paper!!

    Mallorie from http://mallorie-thistimeitsforkeeps.blogspot.com/

  17. achei maravilhoso <3
    ótimas dicas '-'
