February 8, 2012

Valentine's craft swap party

It was that time of year....the infamous Valentine's craft swap party with the ladies! This is the best party theme ever, you make a craft for all the people there (as well as everyone else) and give and receive crafts. So I made 13 pillows and received 13 different handmade crafts. I had so much fun chatting way past my bedtime, we all shared past secrets (like one lady is a secret chronic skinny dipper...I won't name names). It was seriously a blast. 

I made the strawberry trifle cake....it was a struggle. But loving who brought the mini cupcakes.
Freezer papered pillow my buddy Brenna made. SO DARLING. 
Kim (the lady in the last photo) has the cutest house, she is a queen crafter. She is amazing.
Awesome crafters.
What I made..tutorial coming soon.
 Linen wreath cut with a scalloped rotary cutter. BEAUTIFUL. 
Mini Valentine's banner, want to make one for a different holiday. Seriously cute.

The loot! Check out all the bags full of craft goodies!
Happy Birthday Kim!


  1. these are great photos! looks like a great time!


  2. What a fun idea! Love your pillow you made, and I want to know how to make that wreath too! So darling. Love your blog Liz!

  3. What a fun party!! Really fun you have friends to do these things with!


  4. This sounds like so much fun! I need to organize one of these with my friends! And the pillow you made is absolutely darling! I can't wait for the tutorial!

  5. This is the greatest idea EVER!! Genuinely so impressed at the quality of these items. And I'll definitely be looking out for that tutorial =) x

  6. this is such a great idea!
    i wish my friends were crafty like yours!!

    cant wait to see what you got!

    Melina ♥

  7. I've just found your blog and now all I want to do is go make things. My fiance is going to be really upset. I love all the pretty Valentine's inspirations in this post and feel like I should probably spruce up my house a bit. Seriously loving that "Love" pillow. I'm now following you so that I don't miss anything else. Looking forward to reading through your archives :)

  8. Can't wait for the tutorial and to see what else you have in store. I'm a new follower :)

  9. I'm loving that linen wreath! So adorable!


  10. What a great idea! Looks like a lovely party!

  11. That looks so fun! I wish I had more crafty friends so I could do this.

  12. Oh my gosh, I want craft friends and do a craft swap :O!

  13. That is such a cute idea! Your pillow is adorable, and I love valentine's day banner!

  14. FYI- You made trifle not a truffle :)
