May 10, 2012

A billion projects and things happening....

I have a BILLION (literally, no not really, I don't that is possible, but a lot) of things happening this and next. SO busy! I've been working on tons of projects and can't post any of them because I made it for someone else or it has a specific post date - like the picture in top right. Also, I have a plan in the works to help you guys with my tutorials and I don't want to post anything that would involve more complicated tutorials till I have it all straightened out!

So all I'm saying is... get ready for some awesomeness. Its all happening soon. VERY soon.


  1. Your son is soo cute.
    Whats ur instagram name?

  2. Beck is such a cutie! I can't wait to see him! We miss him sooo much. xo

  3. Yay for new projects!! Best of luck on everything :]

    I love that cheeky mustache picture. So adorbs <3

  4. Super cute. Hope u get everything done.

  5. so cute:))

    and my diy clutch -->
