June 25, 2012

How to temporarily alter your dress or a borrowed dress

Whether you are dealing with a dress from pregnancy (and you're not prego anymore) or your borrowing a dress that doesn't exactly hit you in the right way, you can always alter it temporarily. Then when you are done with it, you can seam rip the temporary seams and iron it back into place as if you never altered it. 
I wore this particular dress to my sister-in-law's wedding and it turned out perfect. I was one of the bridesmaids and I had the challenge to work with a big 37 week belly and a polka dot top. Everyone was wearing the polka dot top with gray pencil skirts which I probably and wisely shouldn't do. So I borrowed a maternity jumper from my sister-in-law (thanks Autumn!) and went to town. I loved how it turned out! And I had such an awesome time at the wedding. Looooove weddings....despite my husband's absolute hatred for them.
The before picture is below the break.

dress to borrow or temporarily take in
sewing machine

*obviously all dresses are going to be built differently, but you can get the idea with this one.
1. Try the dress on inside out and pin or mark where it needs to be taken in. Sew a straight stitch (I made this stitch a little longer than usual, so it is easier to take out later). If there is lining, you don't need to take it in, unless it is sewn in (like the top of this dress). The fabric will lay flatter with out the lining sewn into it.
2. The second picture, I flipped the lining, that is from the waist down... up over the top of the dress exposing the everything below the waist seam. 
3. Iron down extra lining and fabric flat to the inside of the dress. Make sure its center.
4. Pin and top stitch the excess down in the seam to make the new temporary seam hidden. For the upper main part of the dress, I sewed the topstitch into the straps and waist.
5. The bottom hem I did a little differently because I didn't want it flapping around underneath. I added two top stitches to the side edges of the excess fabric.
6. Iron! 


  1. I don't even understand this but you look amazing. You always do and I absolutely love/want your hair.

  2. Auwww, high heels & pregnant is a real challenge.
    You look so beautiful , when I was pregnant , i felt and looked like a whale.

  3. You look beautiful!I wish I would have looked half this chic when I was pregnant, for me it was all oversized pants or sweatpants or coveralls -sigh-, and never high heels.

  4. You are sooooo cute!!! And where did you get your amazing shoes from?

  5. this works well for kiddos too if you want them to get more wear out of something! you looked wonderful in the dress! I really like the idea of separates for bridesmaids :)

  6. you look absolutely gorgeous:)

  7. You look amazing! Did you take in the dress along the side seams? Or just down the center back?

  8. Great job! :) You look amazing :) And I like your high heels :)

  9. You are so clever. I would probably have just worn the oversized jumper and looked so frumpy. You inspired me to buy a pair of large heels even though I have a 2 year old. I thought they would be hard to wear while carrying a toddler but they aren't, and they make me feel fantastic!

  10. What a great thing to keep in mind and you look *so* fantastic. I might try this, using a narrow needle (like those for silk) to leave even less of mark.

    Funnily enough, I just took in a dress that was too baggy at the front... but could always let it out when I get pregnant!


  11. Love your blog, so many ideas, you are so talented!

  12. YOU ARE ADORABLE... adding the polka dotted blouse underneath made the dress!

  13. AHHHH!!! I made that wedding cake! I work for One Sweet Slice, its one of my favorites :)
