August 14, 2012

One month old already!

Can you believe that Ollie is one month old already?! And had his baby blessing last Sunday! Tons of people I love were there to be apart of it, and there was lots of delicious food and socializing, it was truly a big Bryson party! Thanks for all the support. 

Oliver, aka Mr. Chunks or chub of love, is the sweetest little thing! He coos and grunts all day long, loves to stick out his tongue, gives me lots of smiles after being fed and passing gas, loves to eat and eat and eat and can already fit into size 6 months (hence the nickname), has gained lots of weight already (mostly in his cheeks), almost 100% for height, has the prettiest blue eyes like his dad, balding a little on top with white blonde coming in after it already, grunts when he wants something (rarely cries) and it usually means he wants food, and even though he hates to poop and sleep just like Beck...I'm in LOVE.

Beck loves him to pieces, he always gives him hugs and kisses and says "I wuv you baby brother". He asks to hold him constantly and talks to him about how they are going to play baseball, ride bikes, play in the tree house together, and reminds ollie that one day he will grow to be just as big as himself. He is patiently waiting.


  1. SO adorable! great photos.

  2. He's so sweet. The first weeks fly by too quickly. My son wore that same blessing outfit a year and a half ago. Now I'm nostalgic!

  3. Oh my God - He is so cute :) They both are amazing :)

  4. How cute is he! So sweet! -Heidi

  5. Super cute! :) That is adorable that Beck is saying all of those sweet things to him, too.

  6. he is so cute :)

  7. My goodness! You are a beautiful family!

  8. lovely family! Beautiful pictures! Congratulations with Ollies baby blessing - with love from Belgium! x

  9. I swear he is just the prettiest baby ever.

  10. Love the outfit! And I am so happy to see that your nails still look perfect! So do mine by the way! Love you guys.

  11. Awwww, he's so cute! I need to go find a baby to hold now. :)

  12. Congratulations! Your family looks amazing!

  13. Completely adorable! I love the way you described Beck playing with him and loving him... so sweet.

  14. Hai.. :) Lovely baby,he so cute and he looks like his father.

  15. what a beautiful family you have! xo

  16. That's so sweet, what your son says to his baby brother. My two little girls are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their little brother(due in 18 days) & I can't wait to see them with him. Congratulations on your gorgeous new addition xx

  17. You have a beautiful family :)

    God bless!

  18. Congratulations on your beautiful family. I gasped when I saw your sweet little one's outfit - I just love baby boys in rompers - as they are called in the UK, not sure about US?

  19. He is beautiful!

  20. Beautiful family!!!! can't get over how great you look,, so jealous.:)

  21. Congrats, beautiful family! He is so sweet ;o)
    You look amazing, hard to believe you just had your baby.Love your blog!

  22. congrats yay! we'll be blessing our lil babe in sept. and he is ALSO totally balding on top.. but has hair in the back and sides haha. Crazy I tell you! Ollie is a handsome little boy :)

  23. Beck is so sweet! I swear, the second baby is so much more fun than the first just because you get to see the big brother loving on the baby.

    Your family is beautiful. :)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Your family is beautiful. Congratulations. :) I love your blog.

  26. You guys look like Brad and Angelina.

  27. He sounds a lot like my little guy! Rarely cry, mostly grunts. He's been known to sound like a goat bleating when he really gets into it. He's 6 weeks old and fitting 3-6m snugly but he started off as a preemie fitting size nb with room to spare. We just call him Little Fatty or my little Meatball! lol.
