January 14, 2014

VERY simple tulle skirt tutorial

IMG_8581ccIMG_8657cIMG_8583cIMG_8628cIMG_8582c   This skirt has been one of the most fun skirts I have ever made. And it is definitely an eye catcher, which happens to be one of my favorite things about it. Either people think you're crazy or you are very adventurous. Either way, I love the attention it gets me. I simplified my old version of a tulle skirt (tutorial here) to make it loads easier. Enjoy!  
13.3 yards of flexible tulle if you aren't cutting on the fold (on the selvedge) because your tulle isn't wide enough
7 yards if the flexible tulle is wide enough for what your want your skirt length + waist radius to be.
1.5 yards of light to medium weight, non-staticy lining (i try for a knit tricot of sorts so I don't have to hem) - try to keep it wide so you don't have to buy a lot of yardage.
3 yards if you want the lining to be way longer
elastic - enough when stretched it comfortably fits around waist
long ruler - **my tip when cutting half circles is to pin one end to the center of the fold or selvedge (look at black dot on first picture below) and mark your measurement and glide it on fabric around to make a half circle.
sewing machine
tulle skirt


  1. So excited to see this tutorial! I have been trying to find a decently priced tulle skirt and decided I just needed to make one. Now I can!!

  2. Made one! Thanks for the tutorial. LOVE IT!
