April 13, 2015

DIY maternity peplum top

IMG_7258cc This is a perfect little feminine top for your any day wear! And you can make it with a stretchy fabric or a cotton fabric. I'm in love with how comfortable and feminine it is, it flatters the belly and emphasizes your waist (aka your lower ribs, or your prego waist is what I call it). This dress is a longer darted version of this if you want to check it out here. IMG_7280cIMG_7263ccollpepIMG_7268cIMG_7281c
-at least 1 yard of knit or woven medium to lightweight fabric (make sure it cam flow nicely)
-find top you like the fit of around your arms and lower ribs (the belly doesn't matter as much right now.
-sewing machine
-marking pen or chalk
***if you want sleeves follow this tutorial here. 
1. Grab a top or dress and trace around it from just above the belly area (plus half inch all around for seam allowance) up making sure that both the thing you are tracing are made of the same material. Make sure you add a little for it to slip over your chest. Unless you want to add a zipper then incorporate instructions from this tutorial. cut out 2 pieces a front and back.
2. Sew up the side seams and the shoulder seams. Try it on and make sure it fits and hits where you want it to which should be just above your belly or lower ribs.
3. Hem the neckline sewing under 1/4″ 2 times or using this tutorial like this tutorial. Hem the sleeves by sewing into a cuff like tutorial here or under 1/4" to 1/2" two times.
4. Cut out a long piece of fabric that is at least 2 or 3 times the width of you waist (just above the belly if pregnant). The longer (around your belly) this piece of fabric the more gathered it will be. Make it your desired length from your maternity waist plus seam allowance.
5. Gather the top of the skirt to be the width of the opening of top half where the gathered part will be sewn. Sew up the side seam of the bottom gathered piece.
6. Flip the top half into the skirt with the right side of the fabrics touching (outside), rst. Then sew an elastic band to the extra seam allowance.
7. Hem the bottom of your shirt to your desired length. Done!peplummat

1 comment:

  1. I love this top, Lizzie! I made it and wore it all the time for my last pregnancy and my Husband could not get over how cute it was!
