October 27, 2010

Sick Baby = Torture

Since last Friday Beck has been throwing up every time he tried to eat or drink. WHY!?!?!?! 6 DAYS!!!! of not eating and just barfing. Poor baby. I wish I could do something. We had labs done and they say I've done a good job hydrating him. But still.....the barfing! I feel soooo bad for the little guy. I give him 2 oz an hour and limit any food intake (if I give him solids guaranteed he will puke). I want my sweet, playful, happy baby back. Sickness bug GO AWAY, we don't want you here! He has lost 2.5 pounds too. Crazy. That is 10% of his weight.
Okay, okay, I will quite rambling...I hope he gets over it soon and I love the little pipsqueak to bunches, even though every item of clothing I own currently has up-chuck residue. Any advice out there?! What are your sickness stories?

Look at that sweet sweet face :)


  1. He is so deliciously cute! That's so sad that he has been sick. That's so crazy. I haven't seen Evie barf since the spit up days so I wish I had something to contribute but I don't...other than I'm sure he'll get over it soon and it's just that time of year for the flu and that kind of thing. I'm sure you're doing a great job taking care of him. But it's true, it is NO fun having a sick baby!!!

  2. What a cutie - you can just see the joy in his face! It makes me want to squeeze him!

  3. next time, give your child a small teaspoon (not the big american one, but the kind we use in europe) every five minutes. He will stay hydrated and won't throw it up. It is the same amount as an IVdrip would be. I worked wonders with this tip from a former pediatric nurse!
