July 14, 2011

A temporary way to take in kid's or adult's pants

I couldn't dart or take in the sides of these shorts because the front pocket was way to close to the side seam. So, I did this easy fold/sew technique and now Beck doesn't have to hold them up and I don't have to roll the waist down. Then when he does grow into them..I can just seam rip the sides I sewed...a whole new pair of bigger shorts! Great temporary way to take in kid's pants! I might have to do this to a ton of his shorts...I went to the doctor for Beck today, he is in the 10 percentile in weight...so dang skinny. 

I'm loving his new sunnies from gymboree. The awesome thing is, he loves wearing them.

 bottoms that are a tad big
sewing machine or needle and thread
flexible measuring tape
marking pen or chalk

1. fold some fabric near the front pocket/side seam
2. pin and sew a topstitch. Done!


  1. That's so simple and you totally can't tell in the second picture! I had to look at it for awhile to figure out what you had done! I don't have kids yet, but I have a ton of siblings and I know that they are always growing out or slowly growing in to their bigger clothes so this will be so useful. Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  2. letting a toddler light matches??? hmmmmm...i'm not an expert but it seems like that *might* be a dangerous trick to teach...even under parent supervision.
    but i appreciate the sewing tip!

  3. Your little man is the cutest - and I love that you can just unpick the stitches when he's grown into them!

  4. I like your blog and, from what I can tell, I like you, but you should probably take this post down. I really think showing pictures of your toddler a) lighting matches and b) standing so close to live fireworks is irresponsible and could get you in a lot of flack.
    I have no doubt you're a wonderful mother, and it's clear you think the world of your little man, but this was a bad idea. There's really no two ways of looking at it.

  5. Don't take this post down! You two are wonderful parents.....my boys (11 and 9) are still so freaked out by fireworks, it's ridiculous.

  6. Thanks, for all the alteration tips, I think I might be inspired to bring my old pants, that are now one size too big for me, out of storage and alter them to make them fit again... either this technique or the other.

  7. So sorry that there are people so very willing to question your parenting techniques. Teaching Beck about fireworks/matches and learning to respect the elements is (according to this mom of 4 and step-mom of 7 AND grandmother of 10 with one on the way) imperative and necessary, not negotiable...and none of anyone's business. It's funny how those without children think those who do are careless and clueless. Hmmmm.

  8. um. this is perfection! should I be embarrassed that I am so amazed by the simplicity of this idea? oh well, because I am amazed! and your little dude is adorable! I hope my kids pop out that cute!!
    -Heather from lifeofapasseri.blogspot.com

  9. i second roxanne, i have 2 children myself and have found that teaching them hands on keeps them out of trouble and curiosity at bay... i have a LOT of makeup and 2 girls, they have never once gotten into it because i let them play with it under my supervision... same goes for fireworks, or fill in the blank, i am always repeating to my little monsters "only with a mommy or a daddy" you are a wonderful mother, you are never gonna have the type of kid that gets into trouble because they are overprotected so much that they feel the need to get into and touch everything as soon as your back is turned, you are an awesome hands on momma... plus really. come on, Beck was hardly shooting off rockets! sheesh people lay off!

  10. I just found your blog and I love it! I'm now a follower!

  11. I'm on the same boat as Roxanne and Selina. I probably shouldn't continue focusing on the negative. I'm sure Lizzie just smiled, rolled her eyes, and walked away from the computer to start her next creative project. I'm sure she is a bigger person and doesn't give those sorts of foolish comments a second thought. But I'm not... lol. Since when is sharing fireworks (and dinky little ones at that) with your family anything but widely accepted. When I originally read this post, I thought only about it's purpose... the awesome sewing trick. The idea of the child being in danger never crossed my mind. Because honestly, it's clear that the child is in good hands. When I glanced back at this post today and I read the negative comments out loud to my husband, he was just as surprised as I was. First, who tells someone they don't even know, how to parent their kids. Seriously ladies, it's not your kid or your blog. Secondly, what truly caring and wise parent wouldn't want to teach their kids personally about everything and anything they may come in contact with in their lives under their stewardship. Overprotective parents do not save their kids from danger, they more often allow someone else (a friend, tv, etc) to teach their child about it leading to much more severe dangers.

    Example: My husband has a huge reverence for guns. He always has. His dad set that example for him as he very carefully and slowly handled them with him and taught him about them as a small child and while he was growing up. My husband has a gun now and any time I handle it at all, he expresses that same caution with me. His eyes are always on it and he cautions me to "be careful... hold it like this..." I'd prefer for my child to learn how I want them to learn from my mouth and via my example.

    I've never read posts from this blog without feeling inspired, either by the creativity and wisdom shared or by the emphasis set on the joy of family. Thanks, Lizzie!

  12. I love those sunnies on your little guy!!!

    Growing up in an Asian country, I grew up around fireworks and I remember being allowed to light them even when I was in kindergarten. There were always loads of adults around and neither me nor any of my cousins ever got hurt. We were taught how dangerous they were and how to behave around them. So I don't see anything wrong with letting a wee one around fireworks and matches etc.

    Thanks for yet another great sewing tip! Your blog is truly inspiring!! x

  13. First of all I'm a grandfather helping raise a granddaughter and you solved a very real problem we have with our granddaughters clothes..thank you so much
    ...as far as the ladies torching you for how you raise your your kids, just let me tell you this..busybodies will be what they are and what they are are people with nothing to do in their own lives so they look to ruin someone else's..your doing a great job so please don't stop..thanks for your help..
