August 25, 2011

Goodbye clothes, camera and husband.

This morning, as in 5 minutes ago because I can't sleep, my husband left for the airport with ALL my clothes and my camera. It is official, we are moving. Now, I just have to wait for my husband to rent an apartment and I head on over there on Monday. So, excuse the lack of sewing and picture taking....I promise it will be all back up in full swing when I get there. I will have nothing else to do, and no one to hang out with but my good friend blog and Beck.

I will say there is nothing better than what my husband and I had for dinner and dessert tonight, it seriously felt like out last meal. Home made fried chicken and cheesecake, then a few hours later we scarfed down a delicious cazookie from The Chocoalte. It was huge, yet very easy to finish. We met up with our buddies Rachel and Tyson....they will be missed! Beck was mimicking everything Rachel was doing, he looked funny with all the chocolatey debris smeared over his teeth.

Oh and that blue and white striped shirt - easiest shirt ever...tutorial to come!


  1. Oh me, oh my! I am going to miss you all soooo much! Beck has my heart in his little hand and you have my love and best wishes. Bon voyage, mes amis! Love you lots and lots, Mom/Grandma

  2. The cazookie at the chocolate may be my favorite dessert ever!

    have you told us yet where you are moving? spill the beans!

  3. ahh!! congratulations on the move! i can't wait to see where you're going and how you decorate your cute new apartment. have a safe trip and good luck to your husband and apartment hunting!!

  4. I was proposed to at The Chocolate! I'm kind of in love with that place. Is that beardless wonder your husband! He looks so different. And hair free!

  5. that dessert looks bomb!!

    :) Beck looks adorable in the last pic!


  6. Hey, that's Tyson from Survivor! I loved that guy! Best "confessional" interviews ever - I bet he's a fun friend. Good luck with the move, and can't wait for the shirt tutorial.

  7. Ok did I miss where you said you were moving to? Is it China? Details girl!

  8. Awwww, have fun moving!! It's all sorts of adventures that stem from that kind of thing. <3 Have fun exploring when you get to wherever you're going!

    Much Love,

  9. Hope everything goes swimmingly, wonderfully and groovily !

  10. Good luck with the move! That "last meal" sounds incredible ... liking my chops now :)

    ♥ Cat brideblu

  11. this is no moving-to-another-part-of-town move... i agree with others: spill the beans!!

  12. Best of luck with the move! Looking forward to seeing and hearing about your new adventures!

  13. Isn't the instagram app amazing! That's all I've been using! : ) by the way I love your blog and I especially love learning from all the sewing and re-fashioning you do! You rock! Thanx!

