September 12, 2011

Mickey Mouse Tick Tock - child watch refashion

I got this mickey mouse watch at a disney land trip when I was 6….and loooooved it to death. That and my yellow pluto baseball hat. Whatever happened to pluto?! The planet and the cartoon? Anyway, It was only a year ago that my mom found it and gave it to me and I immediately tried strapping it to Beck's tiny wrist and no good. So, my solution was to wait until he was older. and wait and wait. But, then I realized….you can SEW you dummy. I took this little watch along with some white elastic and made my own watch band. SO EASY! I made it my size at first then Beck's and it is WAY cuter on Beck. This is PERFECT for kids because it STAYS on! You can even make it extra long so it wraps around all cute on your wrist or something. Maybe a future project...
He wore it out to this AMAZING Fuxing Park near where we live. It is seriously a party over there. Card games, dancing, painting, playgrounds (which we don't let Beck on because of the potty training they do over here...will have to tell you later), chatting, eating, etc. I loved the massive trees on both sides of the street, I felt like I was in West Virginia or Tacoma Washington or something. It was nice to see and smell some greenery for a change.
Going to the HUGE fabric mall where I will be bargaining my brains out for some awesome fabric for some awesome tutorials for some awesome! VERY excited!

Love how Beck clings to Danny's head. Love my boys.

sewing machine or needle and thread
flexible measuring tape

1. Measure the wrist you are making it for..add a half inch or so.
2. Cut off the old wrist bad or take out the links.
3. slide it into the watch on both sides 
4. Here you can do a satin stitch (like the picture shows) which is just a zig zag stitch that is very close together. Or a straight stitch which is what I did.
5. When sewing the elastic together, makes sure you are sewing it together so the end can be hidden behind and facing toward the backside of the watch.
6. Pull the elastic behind the watch. Unless the sides are VERY small, then try to sew it behind the watch in the first place. This is what it looks like!


  1. Great idea!!! Cute kid he is (:


  2. :) great idea!
    Beck is so stylish like mom

    I love his outfits and his curls <3

    i can't wait to hear the potty training story
    i am curious now lol


  3. Ahh! Brilliant idea! And how positively sweet that he can wear something that you treasured as a child.

    I'll have to give the elastic trick a try. I think my 19 mth old daughter would get a kick out of wearing a watch.

  4. Lovely pictures :) Beck is so stylish!! Love it :)

  5. So cute! And I love that it was your watch growing up! :]

  6. What a sweetie! Great idea! I bet he just loves having a watch... all grown up!!!

  7. so my mom totally has that same watch. and i have the backwards Goofy one too. the hands on the clock go counter clockwise, well, because he's Goofy of course.

  8. Awesome idea an wonderful pictures! Such a cutie.

  9. I bet we were both there at Disneyland at close to the same time. I had that exact same watch - but I lost mine somewhere. I love how you used elastic! Genius.

  10. great idea!!!!
    they are so beautiful, the last photo is amazing!!!

  11. What a great idea! I hope y'all are basically adjusted to the time change, I'm sure it wasn't easy at first. Your family is so cute!

  12. Trissta sent me and she was right about you! :)
    P.S. If you talk to her will you tell her I have been unable to comment on her blog. :(

  13. It is amazing to me how your brain works, and you can do stuff like this! Can you teach me your ways???

  14. lizbit! Cute watch for a cute little man! You should make one for miss toria. I don't know if you know but i had my baby boy! i can't believe we're all grown up and mommies... and living in CHINA. hello awesomeness! loves

  15. You are just too creative!! Great idea!!

  16. That's adorable! I used to collect Mickey watches when I was younger, and I've come across a few over the years, but didn't know what to do with them. I love this idea!

  17. I just started reading your blog and love it. And this made me laugh because I had that same exact watch when I was six! I still have it.


  18. What a lovely ending for your beloved watch, that so rocks.

  19. I have been trying to find a watch small enough to fit Graham forever. What a perfect solution. I might steal this one from you. Miss you guys!

  20. I just caught up on your life and it looks like you guys are doing great...and I had the SAME watch from Disneyland!!!
