October 3, 2011

Inside a Chinese candy store

I bought this top before I left and brought it on over to the east side for some good old refashionin'. Ohhhh how good it felt to do a refashion, I swear it has been a long refashionless month. When I saw this pink polka dot, shoulder padded  gem in the sea of possibilities, I was hooked. I just took in the sides and sleeves, shortened, rounded and hemmed the bottom..done! Tutorial here
I wore this top on over to one of our (or I should just say Danny's) favorite spots in Shanghai, the candy store that sells a very tiny assortment of American gummy candies. They have mastered gummy candy making, they are divine, I mean, delivered straight down from the heavens. They're so soft they instantly melt in your mouth. Mmmmmmmm. Anyway, this is not your typical American candy store, but a typical candy store you would see here in Shanghai….with its mixture of American candy, Chinese candy (something I have had once, and will never have again, and Beck agrees), herbs and things for teas, nuts, leaves, other random things that unknown to me, and random skinned chickens hanging in the back. Love it. And of course, on que, a sweet Chinese lady picked up Beck and give him treats. They love to spoil him and I don't think he minds at ALL. 

 We told him to make a funny face, so he decided to growl.
 Here is what the typical Chinese candy looks like on the right and here is the lady spoiling Beck on the left. To be little, blonde, and cute in Shanghai..

 top: thrifted/refashioned  pants: citizens  necklace: mom's


  1. You totally transformed that top. Looks amazing! And who couldnt resist that little blonde cutie in shanghai or anywhere?

  2. :) haha omg how adorable!
    your baby is such a cutie .. i would
    pick him up and spoil him too !

    i am glad to hear that you are having an amazing time over there
    and that Beck is having a good time exploring
    next to you .

    Happy monday hun!


  3. Love the top! And, try Japanese candy, that stuff is wonderful, especially if you love chewy fruity candy :)

  4. LIZ, I miss you!! I hope you are having a blast in China!! When will you be back in Provo, cause I want to see you when you are back! Miss you and beck (so does Olivia)

  5. Lu-huv the shirt!

    Are those real chickens and bats hanging?? Yuck.

    I'm jealous.

  6. First, I love your outfit. Secondly, that candy shop is to die for! Thirdly, I LOVE how your little blonde boy gets spoiled over there...that is so cute!

  7. Hey, Gorgeous! I miss you all sooooo much! I am so proud of how you are exploring and enjoying China, but I can't wait to see you again. Love you lots and lots! xo

  8. Love the candy shop, but even more LOVE the top! OMG, thank you for providing the tutorial!!! You Rock!!!!


  9. Oh my goodness. This polka dot top is amazing. And these candy pics are so fabulous.

    Ask the Duplex

  10. Love the sleeves now, great job.

    I love candy stores, mmm I can taste the gummys now.

  11. A candy store is a candy store - no matter where!!!xx
    Tikkitiboo + Ahka Vintage

  12. I love your refashioned top! I need to work on seeing what things could be at thrift stores rather than what they are. You've got skills! :]

  13. Love that polka dot top. Great job!

    I love to read about all your experiences in Japan.

  14. just found c&c! loving all your great DIYs and adventures in china. as in, i'm late for work because i got distracted looking through them all..

  15. i need to learn your wyas of re designing shirt.s you're simply amazing !!

