October 24, 2011

My creeeeeepy hallway - two ways to take in a dress

 Yes, I have a creepy hallway to my apartment, and a creepy apartment for that matter. And seeing as I decided last minute to take some pictures late at night in our sketchy hallway, most of the images came out blurred. Therefore scariness and creepiness….I guess I accidentally am prepping for halloween guys. Beck makes an excellent scary face, especially with out pants. I will be posting more shots of my apartment and such later.

Anyway, onto the dress. My mom bought this for herself, and lucky for me it didn't work out for her! Oh yay! Score! I loved how loose it was at first, but the more I tried it on the more I realized it was a bit drowning due to me having a small head and all. So, I took it in and shortened it up. There are two ways to do it, the easy (or lazy…which ever you prefer :)) way and the more complicated but more legit way. I first did the lazy way, but out of boredom, I decided to make it look legit and give you both tutorials. 

 He seriously makes the BEST scary face ever.
I kept telling him to pose and this is one of the things he came up with.
Beck was cracking me up when he was all pantless throwing a ball around in his socks
 Sexy scary!(I had to put this picture in because of the hot hip popping I'm doing - and I'm actually looking kinda hot in it)

oversized dress
marking pen or chalk
flexible measuring tape
sewing machine
1. Pin/mark where you want the dress to be taken in - do this inside out and on your body.
2. Sew the markings together
3. Try on inside out, and make sure it isn't too tight
4. If it is good, then cut off the excess fabric (you can serge here)

1. Cut off the skirt from the top
2. Try on the top and pin/mark where you want the top of the dress to be taken in - do this inside out and on your body.
3. Sew the markings together
4. Try on inside out, and make sure it isn't too tight
5. If it fits good, then cut off the excess fabric (you can serge if you want)
6. Zig zag stitch the top to the bottom right sides together….if you want the bottom or top or both (that was me) to be shorter, then take out some length from the top or bottom when sewing them together.


  1. I'm loving this photoshoot. And yes, that is a fantastic scary kid face. Little kids in hallways is one of the scariest things in scary movies. Hot dress too :)

  2. Awesome little photoshoot! And seriously Beck's scary face is INTENSE! Love it! And that dress is gorgeous on you!!

  3. The dress and the photos look great!

  4. haha! I love this one! Creepy but cool hallway :) I love the dress!

  5. Fantastic photos! I love them, and Beck is just way too cute being silly all over the show.

    I did tell you

  6. It's so unfair that everything you fix and put on looks so (as you would say) stinkin' good! I would love Beck to be my Halloween door opener. He is the best! xoxo

  7. Very cute dress! Gets me itching to sew.

    And yes, very creepy hallway. You rock it, girl!

  8. This photo shoot is adorable! Love the refashioning tip. I've been trying to decide if I should 'cheat' with a dress I have at home and sew it up the easy way, this looks so nice I might have to bite the bullet and do it 'correctly'.

  9. eek!
    you're hallway IS scary girl, how do you live with that thing in your house.
    paha, love him.
    and you're sexy dress of course, but did i really have to throw that on? its a given.

  10. you are so talented. thats amazing what you can do with a sewing machine and some scissors

  11. this is just amazing, I can't believe how talented you are ... I wish I had only a little when it came to sewing ... the dress is amazing!
