October 10, 2011

Tapered rectangle top in the antique market

I LOVE this top, in fact I'm planning on heading back over to the fabric store this weekend to buy more sheers to make more of these tops…for myself. I was inspired by all these cute, flowy sheer patterned tops I keep seeing around. I wanted to make it as simple as possible, therefore the tapered rectangle top was made. 

Seven blocks from my apartment there is an awesome antique market that is full of old authentic Chinese artifacts and of course the fake stuff made to look authentic, which I didn't mind because it was all eye candy to me. Seriously, I wanted (didn't need) all of it. There was cute tin cans from the 70s, creepy plastic dolls and figurines, cameras from who knows when, suitcases, furniture, guitars and trumpets, paintings/scrolls, tea sets, rustic looking cars and planes, old coins, lamps, jewelry (oooooooh the jewelry..divine) and so much more. We strolled up and down the 4 blocks full of little dusty antique shops and almost came away with a cute necklace watch (the lady wouldn't haggle down to my price, I'm quite the stickler). Anyway, I was pulling sleeping Beck behind me in hopes to make him more comfortable in his stroller - so he will sleep longer - so I can peruse just a little bit longer. I wasn't 100% successful with that. But, he ended up liking all the random things too. I can't wait to go again! 

Sorry for the picture overload!

pants:citizens   top: self-made  rings: f21  necklace:mom's
Danny trying to entertain Beck after he woke up from is way to short nap
Beck's favorite little antique shop obviously because of all the cars, planes, and motorcycles
Checking out all the birdies
 You better believe I'm buying one of those watches before I leave Shanghai


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful pictures LOVE your blog!

  3. Hey Sweetie! I have seen those exact watches at Shopruche,com. They are about $29, so don't let them haggle you for anything more than that! I have some of those watchesa and love them to pieces. xoxo

  4. I can't wait for the tutorial! I already have the perfect fabric too.

  5. your awesomeness is out of this world!!!! i need at least 7 of those yesterday!!!!!! only i have to wait untill i finish those darn halloween costumes!


    ps... i love your guts!

  6. I thrifted a top like that, I call it my bloncho (blouse/poncho). :) It is pretty amazing and I didn't even think about making my own. I can't wait for the tutorial!

    The Suburb Experiment

  7. What a fun day! :) And I can't wait for the tutorial! That shirt is awesome! :)

  8. That market looks amazing! I love looking at antique markets.


  9. amazing pictures!

    did you buy anything love?


  10. awesome photos!!

  11. SUPER CUTE! This I feel like I could make....

    ♥ Celina

    Our first year of our marriage has been a learning experience check out this lesson on fighting about Principle V. Preference

  12. WOW! This antique market looks incredible. I'd die stumbling upon a place like this. It's like a museum of knick-knackery. Looking forward to your new tutorial!

  13. love the top...and i wouldn't mind having all of those watches myself! :)

  14. Beautiful! Looking forward to the tutorial!

  15. How fun! I love your blog.. very cute :) your shirt is pretty.

    I'm a new follower!

    With Love From Michigan

  16. Your photos are so interesting. Just lik a Where's Wally picture. I keep looking and finding things !

  17. LOVE it! and I love that little shop your at! Very exciting looking!


  18. oh I canNOT wait for that tutorial! Maybe it'll be the first thing I try on the sewing machine I'm getting for Christmas! :)

    Looks like you and your sweet family are taking advantage of such fantastic, culture in China. I adore the photos of your trip to that oriental market.

  19. When I was in China this is the negotiation trick that worked for us -- have your husband talk to the seller while you are standing near. When the seller wont budge - grab your husbands arm and try to pull him away.

    Say things like - "this is too much money" "that isn't cheap enough" "I may not really want it" Do this while he is in mid-sentence and let him in on your plan before hand so he doesn't actually listen to you and just walk off. Make it look real though - they can smell a faker.

    I found that about 70 percent of the time the seller will feel the pressure of you (the person who clearly wants the object) not wanting to buy and they'll cut the price.

    Try it out and let us know how it goes!

  20. I would go broke if I lived near that antiques market!
    Beautiful top you made!!

  21. I'd probably give one of my left toes to go to that exact shop. It looks like there are so many treasures in one spot. and of course, your top is wonderful too...now that there's a tutorial, I'll have to give it a shot!

  22. I don't know what I'm drooling over more: your shirt or that market. Which market in Shanghai is it?

  23. Hey Liz your pictures are great!! I think the way you love fashion, travelling and markets, is very similar to mine. Come and visit me if you like: http://lacianfrusaglieria.blogspot.it/2012/04/la-cianfrusaglieria-bryant-park-la.html

    You have a new fan from Italy!!
