February 7, 2012

Tailor it to fit February! Taking it out!

I'm SO excited for this themed month that I had to contribute a whole dang month to it. I will be doing other projects here and there this month, but I will try to focus on making thinks fit....ie taking things out, instead of in (which is what I mainly have been focusing on). These projects will be for both men and women, and little kiddos. 

I'll be taking out jean's waistlines, making shirts a size or two bigger, longer and etc. 

Submit your tutorials or before and afters to cottonandcurls@gmail.com and I can post your work! You can stick this button up on your wall to spread word. Excited to see what you guys come up with!

Screen shot 2012-02-07 at 12.03.19 PM


  1. what a great idea!


  2. Can't wait to see that you do. You have single handedly changed the course of my wardrobe with your tutorials. I can now look at something and see so many possibilities. Great blog!!


  3. Soooo excited to read what you come up with!

  4. Great idea!! looking forward do what you'll do!


  5. Great idea. I just want to point out (because the college writing instructor in me can't help it) that the way you've spelled TAILOR is actually the name version of the word (as in Taylor Lautner). It's actually spelled TAILOR. If that was on purpose, please ignore me! :)

    1. haha thanks SO much! I need to go back to school. I've been out for far far too long.

  6. Really excited for this month! I'm always impressed with what you can come up with. :]

  7. I'm really excited to see what you come up with! I'm a novice, and for some reason, I'm terrified to begin altering my existing clothes. Hopefully this will change!

  8. looking forward to it! I just recently finished remaking a rugby shirt much like your tutorial. so fun!

  9. oh can't wait to see what you do this month! Last year i took out a pair of leggingly-tight pants by adding who corduroy stripes on either outer side (like marching pants have lol)- i could always use more ideas!
