May 15, 2012

Nautical week: Anchor suspenders

Nothing is cuter then a little boy in suspenders....anchor suspenders at that! And surprisingly, he LOVES wearing them. This is the quickest item to make, as well as the cheapest and with the best outcome. You can wear it with jeans or to church. I'm obsessed.  I picked up this elastic in China for a couple bucks, and the clasps for a dollar, but many stores carry cute elastic and clasps for cheap.

elastic - depends on the size of person made for
little leather or fabric for the triangle
sewing machine

1. cut the length of the elastic to the length of the person's front to over the shoulder to back.
2. place two elastic pieces on top of each other, right side of one elastic to wrong side of the other elastic. If you're using the patterned elastic, make sure that the patterns are both facing the same direction.
3. Flip sewn elastic end open and slide clasp onto the newly sewn seam. Sew a straight stitch above the clasp to keep the elastic together. 5-6 inches above sew the elastic together again by sewing a box with an X in it.
4. Sew the other two clasps in on the front by folding the clasp into the elastic and the elastic ends wrong side together.
5. Cut a non frayable fabric or leather into a triangle and top stitch it over the box that was sewn in step 3.


  1. You are so creative with your sewing skills! I'm jealous. I found your blog on Pinterest and you can bet I am now a follower. You have wonderful ideas and I'm going to try to sew some maternity goodies with your tutorials for my own maternity wardrobe. I'm not the best sewer in the world but I'll try thanks to you! =]

  2. Tooo cute! I love the print, it's perfect for summer :)


    1. I LOVE these! Im sooo pleased that you put up a tutorial, we have a wedding to go to in August and I wanted some suspenders for my 3 boys. Now I can just make them! Thanks you!

  3. Nick lived in suspenders when he was little because his pants would never stay up.....none were as cute as these!

  4. Adorable!!! Your blog is always so inspiring! Keep up that good work. =)

  5. I love these! They look so cute on beck too. :)
