December 12, 2010

Isaiah and Corey are Married!

Yesterday Danny's brother Isaiah got married in Salt Lake, it was so fun! After they were married early in the morning, we took pictures in the freezing cold. The good thing about the cold were all of the cute coats, colored stockings, and scarves everyone was wearing. After the pictures we were meeting at the Joseph Smith building at 12:30 for the luncheon, that left us about an hour for whatever. And whatever were donuts!! So, we made a quick, yet tasty stop at a donut shop and it was delicious! Beck LOVED it. And I'm pretty sure I did too. After our donuts, we went to the luncheon and enjoyed some yummy food. Man, I love weddings. And I love wedding dresses. Isn't her's amazing!! Her aunt made this! I LOVE it. Check out the details. And isn't the bride so beautiful!?

Isn't that bride (and dress) gorgeous! 
Serious, yet sexy Sarah...and Paul.
Look at their cute coats and faces!
Jake and Erin, love them.
Bored, yet styling.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I like the one especially where Beck is holding the donut up like a prize. We're so excited to see you guys. And yes, that dress is beautiful!
