January 21, 2011

Day 21: Quick Boot Socks or Leg Warmers

These boot socks or leg warmers were the easiet refashion thus far! Here I'm wearing one of the brown pair and one of the pink pair oof socks or warmers I made from some old sweaters. To make them you cut the sleeves of a sweater or long sleeve shirt, serge or secure the cut end, and slide them over your skinnies and under some boots. Or if you are feeling 80s' then wear them by themselves or over some colored tights. Totally tubular baby!
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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I'm DYING! this is genius!!! just GENIUS!!
    My sister told me about your blog and I just love it ALL! I live in utah valley and we should totally thrift together sometime!
    PS~ you are featured on our blog today:)
