February 12, 2011

Happy 18th little brother!

First, let me start off saying....this is almost the end of a very CRAZY week (tomorrow is the last day, phew) and I'm happy for it to be over! SOOOOOOO happy. I mean...this has been the busiest I've been since Beck was born. Hence the lack of sewing posts. So, now I can focus on sewing, outfits, and refashions...bring on the fashion and SEWING baby! 

Here is my little brother John Jack turning 18, we had a cowboy party i.e. Beck had a cowboy party that happened to fall on John's birthday. All of his favorites - guns, ballons, hats, fire, candy, singing, and unwrapping other's presents. I can't believe little John is all grown up, he was my little baby for years. Happy birthday little baby brother, I love you!


  1. Oh my goodness! I can't beleive he is 18! Becca just turned 17 last month and I just can't beleive where time has gone!
