November 11, 2014

Where I've been

IMG_8293 I started to notice last spring that the more I focused on being a mother and giving them my extra time, the happier and more cheerful I was. I started to feel a little relaxed even. Over the past 3 plus years most of my mental creative focus went to my blog and all my extra time and energy too. You would see me running into my sewing room with kids on my lap or during nap times or hushing kids as they tried playing with me and I was typing away at my computer. Admittedly, I started to feel guilty. Blogging and sewing was at one point my obsession and passion, but after having a few kids, and they got a little older, it became more of a chore. A nagging in the back of my mind. This only started feeling that way in the last year or less really. I've always felt fulfillment from it, that is why I still stuck with it. But I wanted to feel what it was like to just be a wife and mom, 100%. No blogging, sewing, events, social media, everything. Just a mom. I just wanted to relax and let go for a month. or 3. See how I would feel. just test it out. And my conclusion...I gained perspective and appreciation. But, in the last month, I've been itching to do projects, to sew, to share my projects. I've misssssssed it. I'm excited to sew and blog again. I've realized, I need it. I want it. I just need to let go of my perfectionism. I want to love being a mom and being a blogger at the same time. I do feel accomplishment with being a mom, but I need my creative outlet back. So, I'm back. I have to be. halloweenDownloads Halloween was a blast...Beck ran for candy till he dropped and Oli fell asleep after the first house. Oli wouldn't let me dress him in anything but his batman costume for a least he is a hard worker over at the new house patching away. But wait....there are some BIG changes I have to tell you about..... I mean BIG. We bought a house! We started remodeling it and I'm so excited! I had no idea how much time and decision making I would be putting into it. And for an indecisive person that is quite the challenge. I hope you don't mind some house remodeling before and afters and diys? BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANT.... I've been horribly sick. I mean, I only could eat cereal and toast for 3 months kind of sick. In fact, that sickness hit me a week after my last post in August. Yes, I'm pregnant! 17 weeks now and going strong. In the past week, I've just started feeling like I can do things, I have never been so sick with pregnancy. I'm so excited....VERY excited. More details on this next week. Yes something very important to throw at you...but I'm so happy about it I couldn't wait to tell you all.


  1. Welcome back. I totally understand. You have always posted so many great projects so fast. Don't feel bad about taking it slow now. You don't need to post every day or even 3 times a week to be a good blogger. Your contents is so good you could get away with posting very little. Congrats on the pregnancy an house. Good luck with everything!

  2. Congratulations! I'm glad you are back, because I love your posts. But, I also understand, as I'm a mom myself.

  3. Congratulations Liz! So pleased about your news (and that you're back to blogging). Hope the sickness passes soon.


  4. Omg I can't imagine all the stuff you would come up with if you had a baby girl. Congratulations. I love your work.

  5. Congratulations! Its a girl hopefully..i say hopefully just cos thats gonna mean great tutorials! Wishing you lots of rest dear..
