September 2, 2011

Jet Lag

After moving in, the very flakey internet has not been working, even after they installed a new router. So I've been dying to post….dying! Ok, a bit over dramatic. This is the crazy and complicated thing though, any kind of social network is banned here, as in, if I go to C&C or Facebook or twitter or anything like that, it will show up with a blocked or can't find it page. So, another thing I've had to work around. So, I have TONS to catch up on. Emails, posts, family, sewing, pictures and yadda yadda yadda. 
Beck is horribly jet lagged, so currently, I've been awake since 2 thanks to Beck. Hence me typing up a blog post in hopes that I get the internet today. Yesterday, I found Beck and Danny asleep like this on the couch, it was a rough night for all of us. So glad my husband is freeing me up some sleep. 
The food here is not what is to be expected, it is actually NOTHING to be expected. Chinese food is way way way different, not bad, just different. Something I will have to get used to. For example, I walked by one of those food stands and it had cooked chicken feet, yum. In the pictures below we ate some Japanese food, which is also completely different than what I expected, and thanked to Darcy (Danny's coworker) we got TONs of random looking things to eat that I actually avoided eating. I have noticed though that there are lots of yummy dessert and pastry places around, so delicious. You better believe that we are going to get something from there every day. 
And some great awaiting news I've been excited to hear is about a 4 story mall full of all kinds of fabric. I almost started to cry when I heard of this awesomeness. First thing next week, I'm headed over there and hopefully scoring exactly what I need. 
Which reminds me, I have SO many things planned, literally a huge list I've made out over the last month. And it is all doable and simple. So, I hope you like!

Loved these lots.
 Didn't love these so much.
This is Darcy, he was so friendly. Made life 10x easier the first day we were there.
 I'm laughing here because a random person is taking a picture of Beck at the same time Danny is.  I don't blame them, he is quite cute. People everywhere stare at him and try to talk to him in Chinese. Literally, like 9 out of 10 people. Also, in this pic, Beck and I are wiped out, as we were taking the long walk back to the apartment, I kept telling myself to keep my eyes open. So tired.


  1. I can't even imagine what it would be like to move to China. When I was modeling, my agent let me know that after my stint in Miami the next move would be to go to Tokyo...and I freaked!! I actually got pregnant with my son before I ended up having to make that move, thank goodness. But my mother actually lived in Japan through high school, and I know a lot of girls that live there now (with military husbands). They all had such a hard time getting used to the huge culture shock, but most of them actually LOVE it now. Hang in there girl, and keep your eyes open for God's blessings (a four story fabric mall? That's gotta be one!!) Wishing you all the best!

  2. Oh yummy! those foods are looking so good!
    It must be hard with the time difference.. try to sleep and relax, it will get better :) When I moved to France, it was little bit hard to get along in another culture but after these years, I love this place!

  3. I was an ex-pat living in Beijing for 2 years (and I visited Shanghai a few times) so I know how you feel! My advice on jet lag is to get out in the sunshine as much as possible during the day.
    The food there is awesome, but I agree, not much like Chinese food in the states. When I would go out with friends I would have them order, and if I liked what we had I would ask them to write the name of the dish (both in pinyin and in characters) in a little notebook I carried around. Then I would write a little dish description, and staple the restaurant's business card to the page. I ended up with a selection of favorites from local restaurants I could order myself. If the waiter didn't understand my Chinese, I could point to what I wanted, and I could use the business card to get a cab to go to the resturant if necessary.

  4. wow! All those changes PLUS jet lag seems like a lot to handle, but you guys look like pros! I can't wait to hear about the 4 story mall! In the mean time, I really hope you all get adjusted to the time difference and that you get reliable internet AND get settled in all the other areas. I think you guys are awesome to take on this move. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have a friend that lives out there with her one daughter and she is ALWAYS getting her picture taken. She says that her daughter gets tired of it because it is like have Paparazzi following her all the time. She talked about how she avoided it but it has been too long for me to remember how. I am super excited to hear about your trip to the fabric store :)

    Lisa what a great idea!

  7. So, I'm one of those sneaky google reader subscriber to your blog :P, and I just had to comment today to say the pic of your son & hubby asleep together is seriously one of the cutest I've ever seen! Sooo precious. My husband & I are 3 wks away from our son's due date, so anything with little boys and their daddies can switch on the waterworks for this hormonal mama ;). Good luck with adjusting to China--I'm so jealous!

  8. Haha, I grew up eating chicken feet, but I can understand why people who didn't grow up eating that would be a little grossed out. Also, people in China LOOOOVVEEEE blonde haired celebrity style almost. So be prepared for Beck to get a LOT of attention during your whole time in China. Good luck with the adjustments! I hope you find some yummy food. :)

  9. OMG! i cant believe you moved to China!
    Congrats .. i am really happy for you.
    I know what it feels like to move to a different
    country, a different language, different culture,
    I was 11 when i came to the United States. You'll
    do just fine :) you have the love of your life and
    your son to make you that much stronger! Wish you the best!

  10. That picture is so precious. Congrats on the move! I've always thought it would be awesome to live someplace exotic. Got to love the bizarre yet authentic Chinese food.

  11. that top picture is the cutest picture ever. i still can't believe you're in china now. holy coooow!

  12. I love how the asian culture is obsessed with babies. I visited my brother in Korea and yes, I agree, 9 out of 10 people either commented or took pictures of my nephew. One time about 30 baby crazed school girls went NUTS over him. I filmed it and have never seen anything like it.

    heck, I was even in Ikea (UT) the other day and the cutest Asian girl made a bid deal over my baby. hehe Beck is so cute you better get used to it:)

  13. It's so funny that you mentioned chicken feet because I'm a composition instructor, and one of the essays we read this week (written by a former student at the college where I teach) was about her experience in China and trying chicken feet at a friend's house! (She and her friend would teach each other their native languages by playing games together at each other's house.) She described them as flavorful and crunchy and how they added to the flavor of the rice, but she still admitted they took some getting used to. *lol* I asked my class if they would ever try chicken feet. Not a hand went up!

  14. Hi there! I'm also an American living in China. We've been here seven years. We live way out west now in a place called Kunming, but the first year in a half we lived in Shanghai. Get ready for an adventure, and get ready to have your son be constantly photographed and touched by strangers. I have two little girls, and the comments, photos, and touching are just a part of daily life here. I love your blog!! Enjoy your time in China!

  15. have so much fun lizbit and be safe!

  16. I love reading about your adventures! Hopefully you'll find some food that you can stomach! Best wishes and get some rest!!

  17. I just recently started following your blog and this is all pretty exciting. That sleeping picture is ADORABLE! (I loved it when my kids were little and would fall asleep on us, the good old days!) Good luck with your move, I can't wait to read about your fabric shopping and enjoy your project-making while you're there.

  18. wow, what a big step! congratulation!!
    moving it's difficult, i know. try to get the most of it (aka... crafting supplies & cool stuff should be much cheaper there!!!) xox, d.

  19. I love your insights on China because it's a place I've always wanted to visit (living over there is bit of a stretch). Looking forward to more!

  20. Ahh, so cool! I haven't checked in for a while, so at first I just saw a lot of cool pictures, thinking you were on a vacation (and happy birthday to your sweet boy!), then scrolled down and saw this post. Wow. Good for you guys for taking up the work and life challenges and moving to China. What a great experience! Can't wait to see more projects and pictures!
