November 3, 2011

DIY update and a guest post!

Due to not having much to refashion and sew over here in China, I decided to fix up my DIY page. (Its killing me to not have much to do!) So I've done some much needed organizing and categorizing and such. Maybe one day I will add day, but until then, you can check out a guest post I did over at I am momma hear me roar. Cheri is hosting a refashionista series over there and I'm very honored and excited to be apart of it! Woot woot! Refashionistas ROCK! So, if you want to check out some awesome refashionistas (including the incredible Cheri), and my granny chic week's pink high waisted trousers refashion, head on over to her site!



  1. You go with your awesome self! Those pink pants were amazing. I was impressed with your refashioning skills. Keep it up!

  2. Hey there! Stopped over from Sew Mama, Sew! & I am your newest follower :)

  3. awesome!

  4. Found your blog through iammommahearmeroar. I love your style. You are seriously talented!

  5. I found you on iammommahearmeroar. I am obsessed with those pink pants, and now debating with myself if I have the skills needed to try doing it for myself. You are so talented!


  6. I am LOVING your blog! Just found you through pinterest & read your "about me." We are like soul sisters (JK) but really, I HATE cooking, but love spaghetti & I just found a new love for refashioning clothes on a med student's wife budget! Anyways, love it & I can't wait to read more!

  7. Is there an open-air market near you that has stall selling clothes that came in bundles from 1st world countries?

    In the Philippines where I come from (I'm now in Texas), there is an open-air market near our house there and on some days, there are stalls selling old clothes from America that comes in bundles, mostly from the goods nobody want from thrift stores here. Ask around, maybe there is something like that in Shanghai.

    Good luck.
