November 1, 2011

An Expat Halloween

One of the saddest things about leaving the US of A was missing my favorite holidays. Luckily the local members here throw awesome halloween parties and keep all the American traditions alive! So, I thought it would be funny to dress up Beck like a little chinese boy (I mainly did it to get the reactions from the locals) I originally had his hair in a long braid, but he wasn't diggin' it. 
Anyway, we ran from apartment to apartment of the ward members to trick or treat. It was very new and unique experience because we had to cram the kids and parents into a tiny elevator in transit to the next location. I'm just so happy that he got to actually do something....and eat candy.


  1. adorable photos!

  2. Awww such cute photos! Sounds like it was fun!


  3. how do you get your photos to have that frame I keep seeing it pop up and I can't find an editor! I love your little ballerina by the way! too cute!

  4. coming over from cheri's refashionista special - new follower for you (yay) & I can't wait to be inspired! :]

  5. Someone may have already suggested this - but how about a call out to your blog, Facebook & Twitter fans to send garments to be refashioned? New Dress a Day does this on a regular basis and it's fun to hear the readers story about how she aquired the garment and why she's sending it on to be refashioned.
